Friday, October 9, 2009

field trip

It was okay. Exhausting. A. flipped out and kicked the wall for a few minutes, M. told T. that she doesn't brush her teeth and her mouth stinks, general running problems and antics, but we all survived. There was a little push and tumble before lunch when three children fell on top of each other and a couple parents gasped.

But to hear the kids - the gasps and squeals and "ooohh's!!!" during the planetarium show and the dinosaur exhibits... it was really very cool. As exhausted as I'm feeling right now, I might say it was worth it. It also might be true that there's several kids I'd much rather leave at school next time however....

I did leave M. and another A. Was really bummed about leaving A. since he is probably the smartest kid in my class and obsessed with science. What could I do though? After giving him ten warnings I finally had to make good on the threat. It sucks being a meanie but at the same time that ODD shit is serious.

When I got home there was a call from my school district. One of those recorded messages that goes out to every family. We get them every night before an open house or when something else significant is happening at school. The one tonight addressed "a couple of recent incidents." One being about my girl T. and the inappropriate man by the school doors. Apparently it wasn't the first time and they are "so proud of the student who reported it to her teacher." ... Right. Except when they accused her of making it up I guess?

And "there was another incident where a student brought a bb gun to school." But "I assure you the safety of our school is in tact and we are hiring another security guard by the end of next week" blah blah blah... "Thank you and have a wonderful weekend."

What's funny is that every single time we get these automated messages they are conveyed first in English and then in Spanish. This time, however, it was not translated. Which means that the 75% of our school population that doesn't speak English have no idea what was said.

Ask me if I'm surprised.

Gotta sleep. Thank God for a three day weekend.

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