Wednesday, September 23, 2009

not a bad day...

I told the coming of life story today... I focused on the few that were riveted... very cool how it goes with the timeline, I mean, I learn from it. Good way to start the day, captivating at least a few of them.

I stayed late again, drove the 45 minute commute, stopped at the grocery store for some salmon and stuff, got home, started dinner, kept telling Annie to hang on and I'd take her for a walk, greeted the husband who was in and out (he and Char are at the farm tonight hanging with horses for another little while), took Annie outside, about to go walking but instead followed her in the big field part of our yard where I'd hung a hammock between two trees this summer and have layed on maybe five times. So I brushed the debris off and laid down and swung while watching the dog wrestle a branch and rustle in the leaves. And Ohhhhhhh.... Ahhhhhh... Wow... I could have fallen asleep right there.. it was so comfortable, a nice breeze, a setting sun amidst haze, a happy dog, salmon and squash in the oven, rice on the stove.... How often do I stop? Does anybody stop? And swing on a hammock and appreciate that very moment?

Wow.. until the phone rings as I write this blog...

G still has lice. The poor girl. Her mother is completely unstable, suicidal, has tried burning their apartment by lighting a fire in the corner. G spent a weekend last spring in foster care as this was all investigated, after reported to the school counselor and in turn to DSS by yours truly.

SO a bug fell out of G's hair and on to her shoulder this morning. The other girls at the table all squealed and told me, so I sent her down to the nurses office. G's mother has already cursed out the nurse twice and hanging up on her, claiming it's the school's fault she keeps getting lice, even though she had it all summer. G says "Please don't send me to the nurse. My mother will hit me."
"It's not your fault," I tell her. "It's not your fault."

G has a family friend, a saving grace, a woman who was G's mother's counselor sort of crossed the professional boundary, staying in touch with G and G's mother after the counseling had ended. This woman and I stay in touch as advocates for G. She just called me to say that G's mom called her today, several times, leaving her messages about how she is going to shave G's head and send her to school, the next one she said she's going to pack her bags and run away, and the next she said she'd go to school tomorrow, curse out the principal, find the teacher (me) and beat her (me) up.

"So you might want to alert the principal, or, you know, have someone walk you to your car."

Oh, because I personally gave G lice? It's my fault? Beat ME up? ....Nice.

Obviously this woman, G's mother, is completely irrational. Also capable, I'm sure, of violence, as she's already tried to burn her apartment down and has gone after her husband with a knife.
So should I be nervous at least? Are you kidding? Where was this in the job description?

Where did that moment go on my hammock... that perfect fall happy dog swinging in a cool breeze moment...

Oh, brother.

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